Lean Peaks
The No-Code platform for Calculation and Optimization Tools
Want custom software? But don't want to spend hours explaining your requirements to developers and pay them thousands of dollars?
Skip the hassle and cost!
Create Lean Peaks applets instead. They're like apps, but easier.
Software generation without commitment
No need for documenting, planning, proposals, project price quotes, or delivery time estimates. Instead, get your applet immediately, for free, and simply pay per applet run (if you're out of free credits). Get up to 96% off these costs through volume purchases.
Show all required steps with Excel formulas
Provide Lean Peaks with an Excel file containing formulas that demonstrate all the math, logic, and data changes you require, in an example calculation of output values from input values. Lean Peaks writes equivalent code and validates its answers with Excel's.
Amazingly easy interface creation
Our simple, visual UI editor allows you to specify what your applet's inputs and outputs will be, and what cells within your Excel file correspond to each input and output. Click the Viewer button to see what your users will see.
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